Tuesday, May 5, 2015

In the name of development ,where are we heading???

In the name of modernization, from nutritious food to junk food.
In the name of better housing, constructing new towers in the same old space.
In the name of jobs, leaving our own villages and natural space.

What is the end result????

Population Congestion in the cities!!!
Construction and comfort leading to more and more polluted air and environment.

Broken relationships which are the results of workaholic people.

All these thoughts have come to my mind, since recently I have been suffering through a respiratory illness.
Having realized the source of this illness is the changing environment and stress.
It is difficult walking on the streets along a construction site or a road full of traffic or a polluted area, coughing and wheezing.
Finding it difficult to breathe at any odd time and when you least expect it.

###Yesterday it was SOMEBODY... Today its ME ....Tomorrow it may be YOU##

In the silence of my mind, I feel sad for most of us accepting and choosing such lives.
For our next generations who will suffer more than us.

To achieve a balance between development and a healthy environment.
We do need to regulate many things that our the results of pure monopoly.
We need to have a foresight (pros and cons) of every development that is taking place.
We need to be firm in holding on to the ethically right things in life.
 We need to think of a change ,a change that will truly benefit humankind.
A change to nurture nature and life to the full.
A change that will heal all the damage that we have done to mother earth.
A change that will help us live quality life in the truest sense.

We need to CARE!! CARE for SELF and everything related to self. 



Monday, June 3, 2013

Showers before the monsoon

The sweet smell of the first shower
Feels like bliss.
Each little drop of water assures the hope in life.
The dark clouds along with the thunder,
Shows a sign of this beautiful wonder,
That even when we humans faulter
The Almighty cares for all creatures.

The children run out to play
To enjoy the mud and the puddles on the way.
Birds flap their wings and sing
A sign of gratitude to the heavens and swing.
There is a smile on every face that sees
And welcomes the first showers along with me.

The breeze  that moves
With the sweet smell of earth;
Awakens in every creature that breathes
The feeling of a next season to begin.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Life seems so calm at times.
Feeling lonely even though you are in a crowd.
You wish to tell what you feel,
But then there is no face whom you can share with.
There comes a time when you can't express yourself,
To the one you love.
There is only silence that exists between you.
Laughter seems to be miles away.
There is a fear that's within you.
And you are in deep thought of knowing it.
You want to encounter this fear.
Smash down the anxieties that trouble you on the inside.
Wish you would learn to smile again.
For pain is what you have......
For pain is what you have.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Campus to Corporate

Life has changed quite a lot since a year from being a casual college go girl to a corporate person.
It began with us going to bangalore. Meeting a whole bunch of new people where most of them were freshers. Hence to actually get the feel of the corporate world was difficult coz all of us shared the same enthusiasm and thoughts.New bonds were getting created. Life seemed exciting till the training period. From there on it takes a turn .
Again relocations. Good byes to the friends made and again another start. Then I came to Mumbai. Initially not liking the new place but then gradually you begin to adjust (the typical human nature). Now working and even enjoying life. The corporate world doesn't seem to be the way we imagined it to be. Its another real world where politics exist and in the name of professionalism people forget humanity. But in the end it is upto you how you want to live.To what extent to be professional and to what end to become a good human being :) 

Thanx to the social networking sites that keep us yet updated about our dear friends.

Friday, June 11, 2010

BE project done finally

The project is done finally ....Just waiting for the final judgment .
Well I am not quiet satisfied doing it. But we have done a good work on the whole.
Initially had thought of doing quiet a lot. But couldn't do all of it.
Now no work for some time. ..

Thursday, March 18, 2010

B.E. Project

 I am working on a project in asp.net on developing a website for online examination system. We have finished  working on quiet much of it. I am having some problems deploying the database on the IIS Server. I have learnt to design banners in flash. Its quiet easy ...and interesting. My group members are also learning ajax to add some  controls to the website . I have used C# dot net and also java scripting for the client side handling. Its fun....working.....because we still have to polish it up and get on the security part of it soon..."Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success, you know. "