Friday, June 11, 2010

BE project done finally

The project is done finally ....Just waiting for the final judgment .
Well I am not quiet satisfied doing it. But we have done a good work on the whole.
Initially had thought of doing quiet a lot. But couldn't do all of it.
Now no work for some time. ..

Thursday, March 18, 2010

B.E. Project

 I am working on a project in on developing a website for online examination system. We have finished  working on quiet much of it. I am having some problems deploying the database on the IIS Server. I have learnt to design banners in flash. Its quiet easy ...and interesting. My group members are also learning ajax to add some  controls to the website . I have used C# dot net and also java scripting for the client side handling. Its fun....working.....because we still have to polish it up and get on the security part of it soon..."Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success, you know. "